Work With Me
Pitch Practice Party!

Hey there, I'm Jaime Blair. 

I make coaches amazing at talking about what they do!


Learn to talk about your work so you

☙ stand out from the crowd ❧

☙ inspire hell yesses from your dream clients ❧

☙ get more referrals from everyone else ❧


Yes! Please help me talk about what I do! 🙏
Do your personal brand & messaging have the charisma of a cardboard cutout?

Real talk: there are approximately eight-hundred-ninety-three bazillion coaches in your industry who say the same shit.

You might be one of them. 

I'm here to tell you it’s not your fault!

You’re not expected to be brilliant at branding.

You aren’t trained in copywriting.

You’re a rockstar coach! Whether you help transform their business, mindset, body, or emotional well-being — you facilitate massive transformation and seismic shifts in your clients. That’s where you shine! With each client, you're creating your legacy.

The gifts you have to offer the world are too important to have your message muffled out by a chorus of heart-centered coaches empowering women to live their best lives. 

Your work is greater than squishy transformational speak.

Let's make you incomparable. 

I'm going to help you talk about what you do to inspire more hell yesses from your dream clients and enjoy more pinch-me-they're perfect referrals from your network. 

OK, let's just do this already! 👇
Make this happen

Let's make you easy to remember and effortless to refer.

Here's how we can work together.


Superstar Networking


Transform your haphazard networking efforts into a savvy system that consistently gets you clients, referral partners, and biz besties.

Get it now

How To Talk About What You Do Digital Course


Learn how to talk about what you do so your audience goes from thinking

WTF do you actually do? ➡ OMG I need you!

Tell me more

Personal Brand & Messaging Coaching + Copy Tune-Up


This private coaching program will teach you how to talk about your work so stand out, get more clients, and become effortlessly referable. 

Let's chat
Let's be penpals 💌

Let's be friends! 💌

Sign up below for my emails so we can keep in touch.

I share all my favorite ideas about how to show up in your business unapologetically as yourself and make all the right people fall in love with you (aka brand strategy).

Maaaybe some stuff about cat + wine bars, fleeing the country, and bootlegging gin. You'll have to sign up and see. xo

Prefer to send me an email? 📮

 If you have any questions or just want to drop me a line: [email protected]